Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You are astounding and extremely peculiar.
Falling from your ascendant place.
Contact is made and now I can see clearly.
Enormous and valuable eye to skin, skin to eye.
Follow, refuting earthly clarity,
And enjoy this disappearing moment.
(finite boundaries disregarded)
This jars my position, forcing my attention inward, upward, outward, towards you.
In your direction.
Without permission, we believe again.
Togetherness, unified, personified, objectified.
Did you allow me?
I begin to inhale warmth; my desire’s dizziness contented by your weight.
And lift me towards heightened viscera.
Pulped bosom contract and members blossom into raunchy and delicious exaggeration.
Delirious delivery deserves deeper thrust.
Hip to hip, piped tree limbs smolder, enflaming separately.
Combustion occurs.
Breath collapsed kisses abound and envelope the ocean of mannequin parts.
Teeth separate, penetrate, puncture.
Exit, release. Exit, release,
Remaining within.

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